98% translated

Octillery (Pokémon GO)

Octillery Pokemon GO


#224 (Johto)

Tipo de Pokémon

Vulnerable to…
Planta deals 160% damage.
Eléctrico deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Acero deals 63% damage.
Fuego deals 63% damage.
Agua deals 63% damage.
Hielo deals 63% damage.


There are currently a total of 2 Pokémon in the Remoraid family. Octillery evolves from Remoraid which costs 50 Candy.

Octillery Raid Guide

Octillery has previously been Raid Boss in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Raids.

Boss CP
Suggested players
Boss HP
Caught CP range
Caught CP (boosted)
12 - 32
Minimum IVs
10 / 10 / 10

Standard game images

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Octillery, which has the following appearance:


"Octillery se apodera de su enemigo con los tentáculos y lo deja inmovilizado antes de propinarle el golpe final. Si el enemigo resulta ser demasiado fuerte, Octillery expulsará tinta para escapar."

Todos los Pokémon contrarios

Estos son los Pokémon y sus movimientos que causan el mayor daño a Octillery.

Pokémon Movimiento rápido Movimiento principal Daño efectivo
Kartana   Hoja Afilada   Hoja Aguda 100%
Xurkitree   Impactrueno   Chispazo 95%
Xurkitree   Chispa   Chispazo 94%
Zekrom   Rayo Carga   Rayo Fusión 93%
Xurkitree   Chispa   Latigazo 92%
Xurkitree   Impactrueno   Latigazo 91%
Thundurus (Therian)   Impactrueno   Rayo 88%
Xurkitree   Chispa   Trueno 87%
Thundurus (Therian)   Voltiocambio   Rayo 87%
Zekrom   Rayo Carga   Voltio Cruel 87%

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »

Más vulnerable a Octillery

Estos son los Pokémon más vulnerables al los movimientos anteriores.
Pokémon Daño efectivo

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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


