98% translated

Pansear (Pokémon GO)

Pansear Pokemon GO


#513 (Unima)

Tipologia del Pokémon

Vulnerable to…
Terra deals 160% damage.
Roccia deals 160% damage.
Acqua deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Coleottero deals 63% damage.
Acciaio deals 63% damage.
Fuoco deals 63% damage.
Erba deals 63% damage.
Ghiaccio deals 63% damage.
Folletto deals 63% damage.


There are currently a total of 2 Pokémon in the Pansear family. Pansear evolves into Simisear (using the Pietra Unima evolution item) and costs 50 Candy.

Standard game images

Pansear - Male & Female

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Pansear, which has the following appearance:


"Vive nelle grotte vulcaniche. L’interno del ciuffo che ha in testa brucia a una temperatura di 300 °C."

Tutti i Pokémon counter

Più vulnerabile contro Pansear

Questi Pokemon sono i più vulnerabili contro il set di mosse precedente.
Pokémon Danno effettivo

Vedi tutto »

These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


