98% translated

쉘곤 (Pokémon GO)

쉘곤 Pokemon GO


#372 (호연)

포켓몬 종류

Vulnerable to…
Ice deals 160% damage.
Dragon deals 160% damage.
Fairy deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Fire deals 63% damage.
Water deals 63% damage.
Grass deals 63% damage.
Electric deals 63% damage.


There are currently a total of 3 Pokémon in the 아공이 family. 쉘곤 evolves from 아공이 which costs 25 Candy, and evolves into 보만다 which costs 100 Candy.

Evolving Mega 보만다 costs 300 Mega Energy the first time, and 60 Mega Energy every other time.

Standard game images

쉘곤 - Male & Female

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny 쉘곤, which has the following appearance:


"단단한 껍질 내부는 세포가 변화되어 새로운 몸을 만드는 중이다. 껍질이 매우 무거워서 움직임이 둔하다."

모든 반격 포켓몬

쉘곤에 가장 취약

이들은 위의 공격세트에 가장 취약한 포켓몬들입니다.
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These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »


