98% translated

꼬지지 (Pokémon GO)

꼬지지 Pokemon GO


#438 (신오)

포켓몬 종류

Vulnerable to…
Fighting deals 160% damage.
Ground deals 160% damage.
Steel deals 160% damage.
Water deals 160% damage.
Grass deals 160% damage.
Resistant to…
Normal deals 63% damage.
Flying deals 63% damage.
Poison deals 63% damage.
Fire deals 63% damage.


There are currently a total of 2 Pokémon in the 꼬지모 family. 꼬지지 evolves into 꼬지모 which costs 50 Candy.

You must walk 15km with 꼬지지 as your buddy before you can evolve it to 꼬지모.

Standard game images

꼬지지 - Male & Female

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny 꼬지지, which has the following appearance:


"너무 몸이 습해지면 죽어 버리기 때문에 땀처럼 눈에서 수분을 내보내고 있다."

모든 반격 포켓몬

꼬지지에 가장 취약

이들은 위의 공격세트에 가장 취약한 포켓몬들입니다.
Pokémon 유효 데미지

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