Pokémon GO Fest 2018: A Walk in the Park
- Start
- Saturday, 14th July 2018 00:00
- Finish
- Sunday, 15th July 2018 23:59
- Status

Your ticket gives you access to a 1.8-mile walking course featuring a variety of Pokémon habitats. As you walk through the park, you’ll encounter Pokémon with affinities for those habitats. You’ll also have an opportunity to conduct new Special Research that leads to exciting rewards.
- Shiny forms: Aerodactyl, Aron, Plusle, Minun, Magikarp, Snorunt, Wailmer.
- Alolan forms: Diglett, Exeggutor, Geodude.
- Bonus stardust: Plusle, Minun.
- Frequent spawns: Cacnea, Feebas, Hoppip, Lotad, Magmar, Mudkip, Slugma, Swinub, Seedot, Treecko, Torchic, Trapinch.
View the official event announcement on pokemongolive.com.